
Showing posts from September, 2020

COVID-19 impacts Mezzanine Loan UCC Foreclosures - Real Estate

It seems mezzanine debt UCC foreclosure is impacted by Covid-19.   Here is the article: I wonder how this will impact debt investing, paticularly investing in mezzanine debt. Here is a recent article about UCC forclosure auction on a junior mezzanine loan of a development site in Brooklyn.    

The Palmer House Chicago could be yours....

 One of Chicago's largest hotels, the Palmer House Hotel which is presently owned by Thor equities is in a foreclosure procedure. Attached is a reference to a link to the Complaint and Motion to Appoint A Receiver which is common in these types of matters. In New York, the Martinique Hotel, one of the oldest hotels in the City filed this week as well.

Subchapter V: CARES Act Credit Investment Implications

The podcast below pertains to distressed investment opportunities in the lower middle market (LMM), herein defined as businesses with up to $20 million in EBITDA: The New Normal for Distressed Investing: Changes ma de to Subchapter V in the CARES Act have created an interesting opportunity in for unsecured credit investments in small businesses.  Importantly, Subchap ter V eliminates the “absolute priority rule” - this would ordinarily be a major credit negative. Despite the recent economic downturn, we are not seeing bankruptcy filings that are in-line with the numbers associated with larger businesses. This is especially interesting because subchapter V is intended to lower the  direct  cost of bankruptcy proceedings for small businesses.  So why aren't small businesses filing and what are the investment implications regarding subchapter V? There are significant disincentives associated with bankruptcy f

Garrett Asasco Inc.

 New filing of a major auto parts supplier Garrett Asasco.  What's particularly interesting about the filing documents is that it includes an Asset Purchase Agreement with KPS Partners. The filing can be found at  Check out the petition and Asset Purchase Agreement. We listened in on the first day hearing today and the Court declined to approve the Debtor's request for DIP Financing because Honeywell argued that they have plenty of cash and there's no urgent need.

Town Sports Update - New York Sports Clubs

 As set forth in this article reporting about the deal cut between the lenders, the Bankruptcy Judge wants to make sure that the assets are properly marketed. NY Sports Club Owner's Ch. 11 Strategy Draws Court Concern By  Vince Sullivan Law360 (September 16, 2020, 4:48 PM EDT) -- The parent company of  New York Sports Club  told a Delaware bankruptcy judge Wednesday that it had reached a deal with warring creditors that would allow for a Chapter 11 sale process to commence, but the court voiced concerns over the proposed timeline in the case. During a hearing conducted virtually, Town Sports International attorney Nicole L. Greenblatt of  Kirkland & Ellis LLP  said the case began with discord among groups of senior lenders but that a deal had been reached where they will allow a third party to serve as a stalking horse bidder for the debtor's assets and provide post-petition financing. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher S. Sontchi said he was happy the parties had reached ag

Century 21 Bankruptcy Post

  Century 21 Files Bankruptcy and plans to liquidate While its not surprising that Century 21 which is a 13 store, off-price, brands based retailer filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, it is unusual that from the get-go they announced they are liquidating. Click below to see a list of their petition and a list of their creditors.

Real estate opportunity to purchase Junior debt?

Check out this story today about HFZ Capital junior debt which may be auctioned in November against four NYC buildings.

Hello to members of the Stern Distressed Investing Think Tank

This course is intended to provoke and engage you to think about investing in turnarounds, restructurings, and distressed investment opportunities. While it is organized into a series of lectures, the intent is for us to create an environment along the lines of a “think tank.” We will use actual cases to illustrate investment concepts and legal issues that impact investing. Participation in class discussions and by posting on this blog is strongly encouraged and adds to the quality of the course.   Each of you has a unique perspective, shaped by your areas of expertise and experiences and I encourage you to find value in areas which you have an edge whether its medicine, law, art, real estate, commodities, or the market in general.  So what I am I looking for you to post on this blog – ideas, ideas, ideas…that will make money, money, money.  Because at the end of the day, bankruptcy investing is about money.